2018 Tax Day Circuit Race
April 28, 2018
USA Cycling
USA Cycling Rules Apply
A UCA Points Series Event
Event Contact: dcowley@comcast.net
Permit # 2018-1278
Event Categories/Entry Fees
Categories Field Size Entry Fee Distance Start Time
Pro/1/2 Men 120 $40.00 5 Laps Wave 2
Cat 3/4 Men 120 $40.00 4 Laps Wave 2
Cat 4/5 Men 50 $40.00 3 Laps Wave 1
Master 35+ Cat 4/5 Men 75 $40.00 3 Laps Wave 1
Master 45+ Cat1/2/3
Men 75 $40.00 4 Laps Wave 2
Master 55+ Men 75 $40.00 3 Laps Wave 1
Pro/1/2 Women 100 $40.00 4 Laps Wave 1
Cat 4/5 Women 50 $40.00 3 Laps Wave 1
Master 35+ Women 50 $35.00 3 Laps Wave 1
Master 50+ Women 50 $35.00 3 Laps Wave 1
All Juniors 50 $15.00 2 Laps Wave 1
Notes: Some categories may be raced together but scored separate
Wave 1: First Category of at 9:00 AM
Wave 2: First Category of at 11:15 AM
Categories Prizes
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Pro/1/2 Men $90.00 $70.00 $50.00 $35.00 $20.00
Cat 3/4 Men Awards Awards Awards
Cat 4/5 Men Awards Awards Awards
Master 35+ Cat 4/5 Men Awards Awards Awards
Master 45+ Cat1/2/3
Men Awards Awards Awards
Master 55+ Men Awards Awards Awards
Pro/1/2 Women $90.00 $70.00 $50.00 $35.00 $20.00
Cat 4/5 Women Awards Awards Awards
Master 35+ Women Awards Awards Awards
Master 50+ Women Awards Awards Awards
All Juniors Awards Awards Awards
Minimum filed size is 15 rid ers; Fields may be combined i f under 15 riders
Cash Payout maybe adjusted if field size is under 20 riders
Overall Race Information:
This is a circuit race with the first rider across the line by category being the winner.
Special Competition Information:
To Follow
To Follow
Online registration is at http://www.BikeReg.com Onsite registration will incur a $10.00 additional charge.
Riders must have a current USA Cycling license. Only Cat 5 men and Cat 4/5 women may purchase a one
day license for $10.00
Scoring: This is a circuit race riders will be scored upon completion of the race. Finial
results will be posted online at www.RaceDayEventManagement.com and reported to USA Cycling (ww
w.usacycling.org) THESE RESULTS ARE FINAL
Protests for the RR must be made to the Chief Judge within 15 minutes of posting.
Centerline Rule:
All roads are open to traffic. Obey and respect all police officer, official, and staff requests. If
you cross the centerline you will be disqualified! If no painted centerline marking exists,
riders must keep to the right side of the road at all times unless instructed by an official
Race Numbers:
Each rider will be given (1) bib number.
All riders MUST WEAR a bib number. Number must be worn on the lower part of the jersey, just above
the jersey pocket and along the side seam. Number placement on the Right Side
Marsh Valley, Idaho
Parking/Packet Pickup:
Marsh Valley High School Parking Lot
Warm Up:
Please bring trainers to warm up on. Limited roads are open to warm up.
Areas of Concern:
Please use caution on all parts of the course. Main concern is the main highway please ride as
far to the right as possible. The yellow line rule will be strictly enforced.
Neutral Wheel Support:
Follow cars are provide if possible and are Wheels In Wheels out unless they are declared
neutral by the chief official. All wheel changes must be done from the right side of the road.
Results will be posted thru out the event on the result board at the check
in area. Protests must be made as per USAC Rules.
The awards ceremony will be held as soon as the results are finial. Riders are required to be
present at the awards to receive the prizes. No prizes will be mailed post event. This will be at
the Road Race Finish Area
Race Map and Elevation Guide
Course starts at Marsh Valley High School. Riders will be neutral until all riders are on the Main
Road. (Highway 91) This is a 12.7 mile loop thru rural Idaho in Marsh Valley. This is a different route than used last year and bypasses the town of MaCammon