I would like to address the Tuesday Night World Championships ride. Although the ride is not a sanctioned ICE ride, I feel we can talk about some changes that some folks have proposed, notably, splitting the ride into two groups. We would have an “A” ride and a “B” ride. Those that wish to contest the Worlds may join the “A” ride, which meets at 6pm near the skate park at Ross Park. Typically, this ride does the Buckskin loop, although there have been variations. To allow more folks to participate, the “B” ride will meet at 5:30 at the same location and will typically do the Buckskin loop as well. The goal is to finish roughly at the same time. Riders dropped from the “A” group have the opportunity to fall back to the “B” group. Likewise, riders in the “B” group can join the “A” group as it passes. We could even have a graduation “ceremony” for those moving from the “B’s” to the “A’s”.
I hope you all will consider coming out to the rides.